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Rabu, 04 Mei 2011

Reason For Late THOR US Release Revealed; International Box Office Hits $100 Million!

Reason For Late THOR US Release Revealed; International Box Office Hits $100 Million!: "I know some of you have been left feeling angry and confused over the decision to not release Thor in the US and Canada until weeks after countries like Australia and the UK. Well, thanks to The Hollywood Reporter, we can now shed some light on why exactly that decision was made. Here are some of the relevent excerpts from their report:

'The people who ask that question are fanboys who are mad because they want to see it first,' noted Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige at Monday's U.S. Thor premiere. 'I don't blame them.'

The decision rested with Marvel's distribution partner, Paramount. And when we pressed the studio's Rob Moore, he said only, 'It's a global market now.' Meaning that these days, international audiences are considered equally or more important when planning releases of Hollywood movies.

Plus, the peculiarities of this year's calendar also came into play.

Paramount took advantage of"

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