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Selasa, 03 Mei 2011

Marvel Relaunches Ultimate Line (Again) – But Why?

Marvel Relaunches Ultimate Line (Again) – But Why?: "
So, let me get this straight: Ultimates is followed by Ultimate Comics: New Ultimates and Ultimate Comics: Ultimate Avengers and then those series are, in turn, followed by Ultimate Comics: Ultimates? I’m pretty sure that self-parody has not only been approached but well and truly engaged by this point in things.

Don’t get me wrong, I think that getting Jonathan Hickman (and, I presume, Nick Spencer, considering he’s joining Hickman and Brian Michael Bendis on Ultimate Fallout in July) on an Ultimate book is at least slightly more forward thinking than having your decade-old line being masterminded by the guys who created it and outlasted the newer guys, but at the same time, I have to ask: Hasn’t the Ultimate Universe outlived its usefulness by this point? When your “anything can happen!” line is being written by the same guys writing the big guns as the main line (well, and Nick Spencer), doesn’t that suggest that something has gone wrong somewhere?

Also along that line of thinking: Didn’t we just get a “massive rebranding and rebuilding of the Ultimate Universe” (as Hickman refers to the post-Fallout line)? Ultimatum finished less than two years ago, and we’re already at the point where he need the same thing all over again? That really doesn’t sound like the healthiest of lines. Bendis just established Reed Richards as the new Doctor Doom! Can’t we deal with some of the current status quo, instead of establishing another brand new one? At this rate, we’ll be relaunching again in summer 2014, just in time for the new Spider-Man to be killed and replaced by the original all over again.

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