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Selasa, 17 Mei 2011

Marvel’s Ultimate Relaunch: Where Have We Seen That Before?

Marvel’s Ultimate Relaunch: Where Have We Seen That Before?: "
I swear, the people behind Marvel’s Ultimate Comics relaunch are just messing with me now. It’s not enough that Brian Michael Bendis’ press call about the second Ultimate Comics Spider-Man relaunch sounded just like his first two years earlier, now we have this from the press release about the covers for the new books, from editor Mark Paniccia:

With Ultimate Comics Universe Reborn, all of the titles will be tighter than ever, so when it came time to think up ideas and concepts for the covers – we wanted a sense of unity to tie the books together.

And the result of that thinking?

Two vertical bars on either side of the page, framing an action shot of the title character leaping out at the reader? Where have we seen that before…?

Oh, that‘s right.

Seriously, the Ultimate Comics relaunch is underscoring how new and exciting the line is becoming by… returning to the old cover layout? Seriously? I thought it was bad enough that the line was returning to the same core line-up of titles, but this is seeming more and more like an exercise in short-term nostalgia the more we learn about it.

Still, at least the Kaare Andrews art is nice. Here’re the other covers, in case you’re curious:


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