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Minggu, 15 Mei 2011

Farewell to Smallville

Farewell to Smallville: "
After ten seasons, the Smallville finale has come and gone. I've voiced my opinions on the show before. As much as I tried to keep in mind that this was something completely different from the comics, there were many moments that would make my jaw clench in frustration. Over the years, the show has had some pretty cool moments with others that made me wonder what the heck was going on.
I remained dedicated to the show but it's time for a full confession. I've mentioned a few times that I was a little behind. I actually still have 30 episodes sitting and waiting on my DVR. It's not that I didn't want to keep up with the episodes. It's been a matter that Friday nights isn't an optimal TV viewing time for me. The show's hit or miss nature hasn't made the show a top priority for me either. Also now with the show officially over, I still have over a season's worth of new episodes (for me) to watch (which I will still watch eventually).

With this momentous occasion, I did feel I had to watch the last episode. I didn't want to wait until I could get around to watching all those other ones first. My seven-year-old daughter insisted on watching with me (almost continuing the tradition of watching final episodes with me as we also watch David Tennant's final Doctor Who episode together).
What are my final thoughts on the episode and series? (There will be some spoilers).
I mentioned I'm a few episodes behind. But let's be honest, this episode was about whether or not Lois and Clark would get married, would Darkseid cause the destruction of Earth and would Clark finally become Superman.

Let's start with Darkseid

I haven't seen his first appearance so I didn't really get why he resembled the smoke monster from LOST. Having him as the final villain we'd see was a great idea. Hell yeah, I wanted to see Superman go up against Darkseid. Do we get the awesome knock-down drag out fight we could hope for? Not even close. Such a shame. My daughter was not impressed by him. I had to explain that he is much different in the comics.

The wedding?

Again, I'm spoiling things here. The wedding does come up. Right at the final moment, the threat to the world stops the wedding from becoming official. My daughter asked if they did get married but the ceremony didn't finish. There's also the seven years later bit that we see at the beginning and the end. So it is touched on or revealed whether or not they'll tie the knot. I think they should've just been able to get married while they had everyone gathered.

Becoming Superman

Jor-El has been such a jerk to Clark over the years telling him he'd have to give up his humanity in order to fully utilize his Kryptonian or super-abilities. It turns out everything was a test. Clark has passed the trials and FINALLY becomes the character we know. He is finally able to fly. When it happens, I have to admit, it's pretty cool.

The suit

The question has always been whether or not the suit would work on the show. This really shouldn't have been that big of a question since we've had Green Arrow in costume for years along with the occasional other semi-costumed heroes. We do see him flying around in the red and blue tights and it almost makes the last ten years worth it. I really wish we could have had more of Clark in the suit. Some of the shots looked to computer generated but overall, it did work. I would've have loved having at least a season of Clark in the costume. Yes, it would dramatically change the feel of the show but who cares. This is a show about Superman. I don't care if it was all about his journey in becoming Superman, I wanted more of the suit.

Dual identites?

Sure Clark finally got around to wearing glasses recently. He's not doing much else to create a secret identity besides acting a little clumsy. We don't seem much of Clark as Superman but the hair is still the same. No slicked or combed back version for either. We don't know how he presents himself as Superman. Maybe he will take the John Byrne keep-his-face-in-constant-motion angle so he can't be photographed versus the Geoff Johns pose-for-Jimmy Olsen approach.

The end?

I'm okay with the way the show ended, only because I haven't been 100% fully committed to the show. I will watch all the episodes that I still haven't seen. As much as I'd like to see Clark as Superman, I can live with the idea that he finally embraced who he's supposed to be. We can just believe that he's continuing his adventures as Superman, only we're not going to be watching them. My biggest fear was we would only see him take his first leap, about to fly, when the credits would roll. We get to see him in action, albeit briefly. He's finally become Superman. End scene. Works for me. As for Lex's fate...I'm not sure how I feel about it.

What do we watch now?

It wasn't a perfect comic book television show but it was all we had. What can we watch now? It doesn't look like we'll have a Wonder Woman show to watch. There's supposed to be an Incredible Hulk, Jessica Jones and Powers show coming. Perhaps we'll see the other rumored Marvel shows as well. DC toyed with the idea of a Raven show, but I don't think that'd be the best idea.
Now it's time for you devoted fans of Smallville or anyone that watched the final episode to express your thoughts. Did you watch the final episode? Did it work for you? How soon until you start having withdrawls or is it for the best that it's over?

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