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Sabtu, 07 Mei 2011

Exams start in less than a month and I haven't really done much studying and/or preparation yet.
For the last couple of weeks, I've also had a really strong urge to start sewing up... something. Probably an overskirt for my new hoop skirt.

I often use sewing to blow off steam - after my christmas exams, I spent half a week working on a dress.
So the approach of exams and the whole divorce thing probably has something to do with my sudden need to make clothing.

Unfortunately, I have next to no time to really sew something.
So I'm going to try something this weekend:
whenever I've reached a goal - usually finishing a chapter or exercice - I'll allow myself to do some preparations for sewing (setting up my sewing machine, choosing fabric, ...). That way, I can only start sewing once I've done a reasonable amount of work, and I'll spend my breaks doing something more productive than Facebooking.

Sounds like a plan, no?

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