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Selasa, 17 Mei 2011

Set Visit: An Introduction to 26 Members of the Green Lantern Corps

Set Visit: An Introduction to 26 Members of the Green Lantern Corps: "

Last year, I had the honor of traveling down to New Orleans, piling in a van, heading to a secluded warehouse and talking to an alien. I also spoke with the first human member of an elite group of interstellar heroes, a director who has more energy than anyone at his age has a right to, and I got a glimpse into a world beyond our own.
So before comic book purists protest the insanely small number listed in the headline, these are the Green Lanterns hanging up on a wall somewhere in New Orleans – character design sketches to fill out the alien landscape of those who bravely, selflessly, and fearlessly patrol the universe. Some were born from the comic books, others from the minds of the production team. Some will be featured heavily, others will be hanging out (valiantly) in the background.
We’ll be bringing Green Lantern set visit coverage to you all week, but to get things started, we figured it would be a good idea to do a round of introductions. Some you already know, and some you haven’t yet had the pleasure, so we wanted to make it official. Green Lanterns, meet the world.
The world, meet the Green Lanterns.

Abin Sur

Home World: Ungara
Voiced by Temuera Morrison in the movie, the magenta-headed hero Abin Sur was a history professor before being tapped to become a Lantern back in the (earth decade) 1860s.
He has a long legacy of service, including recruiting Hal Jordan after crash-landing on earth. Oddly enough, Clark Kent was the first candidate found by Abin Sur’s ring, but since he wasn’t native to Earth, Hal got the gig.


Home World: Muscaria
Amanita is a sentient mushroom who might possibly be older than the Guardians (sentient mushrooms have a ridiculously long life span).
Appropriately, even simple tasks take a long time for this Lantern, but speed (or lack of it) does not seem to hinder his ability to battle.


Home World: 7Pi
One of the oldest Green Lanterns still active, Apros is a legend that has earned enough medals to fill an entire chest (if the Corps had medals (and if Apros had a chest)).
While not the main trainer, he often helps out by psionically training the fear out of the rookies. Also, yes, he looks like something you’d order at Outback Steakhouse.


Home World: Bellatrix
Rocking some pink skin and a hyper-aggressive attitude, Boodikka is a three-hundred-year old killer who acted as a mercenary on her home planet. In the original comic arc, she’s recruited after Hal Jordan, who has more than a few personality clashes with her.
She’s an impressive fighter (a common hobby back on Bellatrix), but her issues with authority figures get her into trouble – sort of like a pink, female-ish Hal Jordan.


Home World: Apiaton
Simply put, Bzzd is a badass. He’s an insect-like being with the size and polite Napoleon complex that goes with the distinction. That causes a little friendly ribbing from fellow Lanterns, and it might also be the reason why he’s more likely to pull out an atomic warhead as a construct instead of, say, a hammer.
He’s one of the boldest members, and he would give his life for the cause if it came to it. Plus, he’s partners with Mogo – the sentient planet who understandably doesn’t hang out with other Lanterns.


Home World: Barrio III
Chaselon looks like a giant version of that diamond your girlfriend keeps begging you for with tentacles attached at the sides.
He’s a crystalline structure with 13 senses, and the ability to communicate with others of his race through a universal harmonic, but he (and his home planet brethren) still feel the need to wear wigs and those aforementioned robotic appendages to “fit in.”

Galius Zed

Home World: ?
This character was introduced in 1981, and has been involved in a ton of battles (including driving of an alien crime syndicate away from Earth).
Most recognizable as a head with arms and legs sticking out of it, Galius Zed is quick to battle, even if it’s to speak out against The Guardians themselves. Leave it to a giant cranium to be outspoken.


Home World: Takron-Galtos
Once working as a prison guard, G’Hu was taken hostage by the inmates.
Instead of waiting for rescue, he went ahead and took out all the inmates himself. He’s incredibly capable in battle, and is rising up the ranks thanks to his skill and a little help from Salaak.

Green Man

Home World: Uxor
Not Charlie Day in a full spandex body suit, Green Man is a nickname of sorts for the being from Uxor – a planet that abhors individuality. Thus, without individuality, there are no names.
This particular Uxorian desperately wanted an identity beyond the group’s, so deciding to accept the invitation to become a Green Lantern was an easy one. Of course, there’s also the Green Man from Uxor partnered with Stel, and they’re hard to tell apart just by name. Either way, they both have poisonous blood which probably comes in handy.


Home World: Ovacron Six
When you come from a world that frowns upon using weapons, you become a Green Lantern that is more prone to punching with your frighteningly large hands than using your ring constructs.
As such, Hannu is a brawling bruiser who you would not want to run into in a dark alleyway.

Isamot Kol

Home World: Thanagar
One of the more recent creations in the comics (and named after editor Peter Tomasi), Isamot Kol is a human/lizard hybrid being who doesn’t believe in cowards or surrender.
In fact, he hates both so much that when an order to surrender was given during the Rann-Thanagar War, Isamot Kol killed his commanding officer, and then led his comrades to victory. He was imprisoned for the murder, set to be killed, but the Green Lantern Corps saved him and brought him into their ranks.


Home World: Bolovax Vik
Large and pig-like, Kilowog is a central figure who trains the newest of the Lanterns. Expect a lot of face-time between Hal and Kilowog (voiced by Michael Clarke Duncan) in the movie.
Back on his home planet, he was a talented genetic scientist, and if you hear him use the word “Poozer,” it’s a slang term for rookies (and one of endearment).


Home World: Sputa
Another Lantern from a world that has no individuality, Larvox also can’t speak so it uses the ring to communicate.
Looking like a stretched out version of the henchmen from Despicable Me, it’s asexual (which is why I keep calling it, “it”), lived on a planet where life evolved from bacteria and insects, and recruited Amanita.
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