More commonly known as the cousin of Kazama Jin, Asuka is a brash, arrogant girl who has strong confidence in her fighting abilities. As a young child, she is trained by her father taught her the Kazama-style Traditional Martial Arts. She is a vigilante of sorts, who prefers to stop fights by “knock out”, although in the Play Station 2’s Tekken 5 opening, she’s seen saving a little kitty. She enters the Tekken 5 tournament in order to redeem her dojo and get her revenge.
Cute cosplayer of Asuka! Really like her hair and outfit. I know a lot of Tekken fans will be pleased.
Technorati tags: nanao, research, tekken, tekken 5, kazuma, asuka, traditional, martial arts, jin, knock out, cosplay, cosplayer, fans
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